Author Topic: Star Alignment issue  (Read 1995 times)

Offline jimMinCT

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Star Alignment issue
« on: 2017 September 01 18:14:44 »
Hey all...
When I upgraded to 1.8.5, aside from the icon issues everyone was discussing, I found that I lost the ability to register frames using star align.
Let me be more specific.  If the reference frame is in a different folder, i.e. the RGB frame is used to align the Ha frames, it seems to align... 
But if I pick, say number 5 from a list of 20 in the same folder, it simply goes through all the motions, but you can see there's no translation going on.  The X,Y and Z numbers barely move.

I thought the update tonight was to address that issue, but it did nothing to resolve it.
Anyone else having this issue?