Author Topic: Can't seem to get rid of the noise, gradients. Help plz  (Read 2108 times)

Offline souls33k3r

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Hi All,

I'm on a serious learning curve with this software.

I have been taking images with ASI1600MM-C with 6nm Astronomik filters using WO Star 71 scope.

I have finally started to take images but where i am seriously lacking is processing skills required. I am doing everything wrong here it seems. Not sure how to get rid of these issues which are pretty much the same no matter which image i process. Clearly i'm doing it all wrong.

I was too ashamed to post this if i'm being honest but finally found the courage to do so because as much as i love this hobby, i am my own worst critic.

Here are a list of my issues which i believe are
1) I can not seem to get my pictures sharp
2) I can't seem to remove noise
3) Unable to remove gradients

What can i do?

Offline bvalente

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Re: Can't seem to get rid of the noise, gradients. Help plz
« Reply #1 on: 2017 August 31 23:37:08 »
It would be helpful if you outlined the process you are already using?

on first glance you probably need to use automated background extractor, or DBE. automated is a good place to start

If you feel like you are at square one, this tutorial really helped me get some basic workflow going:

Offline bvalente

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Re: Can't seem to get rid of the noise, gradients. Help plz
« Reply #2 on: 2017 August 31 23:39:16 »
Also it would be super helpful if you outlined the details of your images - what is your imaging equipment, how many frames you took on each channel, your calibration frames, etc.

regarding noise, it looks like you may just need more acquisition frames