Thanks. I guess part of my question (which I didn't explicitly mention) is this: If I have frames that were taken in hazy or moonlit conditions, they have a much brighter background when compared to images on moonless, clear nights. Yet, they often have very good SNR and FWHM compared to other subs. Am I incorrectly assuming that these images aren't good images to use? I would guess that PI thinks that the background glow is signal rather than noise (which it is), but I've been thinking that the lack of contrast would make these candidates for rejection.
Also, with your weighting expression of SNRWeight / FWHM^2, that is self contained to the single image, correct? I take it that is what you mean by "frame set independent", i.e. no need to calculate a min and max of FWHM, SNRWeight, or Eccentricity of all frames like some of the tutorials suggest.
Thanks again.