Author Topic: Learning PixInsight with my eclipse photo - advice needed.  (Read 2371 times)

Offline mosh1

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Hi all! I have taken an eclipse photo that I rendered with Lightroom and really happy with. The problem is, I would like to remove some banding and noise and am seeing how far PixInsight can help me with that.

So far, I haven't been able to improve on the image using just Lightroom, but I am also new to PixInsight. I followed a few tutorials and generated a SuperBias image as well as dark master.  The photo was taken at ISO 100 1/100s shutter - the camera (Canon 6D) was at 42c. I'm not sure if darks are needed at this shutter speed, but the master dark does have quite a bit of banding I was hoping could help remove from the main image.

Because of the nature of the eclipse, there is only one light image and perhaps thats what's limiting me but I'd like to take it as far as I can.

So far, I notice the dark image doesn't actually remove the hot pixels from my light frame after calibration. I'm pretty sure I'm doing the process correctly. The banding exists after calibration as well. I did try the Canon debander script with a few variables and it seemed to help a bit but not nearly enough.

I realize this type of image (single light frame, short exposure) may be tough to be further improved but I'm hoping an expert in PixInsight could enlighten me on what more I could do.

I have a .zip with my RAW frame, my superbias master and dark master if someone wants to take a look:



Offline avastro

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Re: Learning PixInsight with my eclipse photo - advice needed.
« Reply #1 on: 2017 August 27 01:20:28 »
Hi Moshen,
This is my try, using a mask is mandatory to "work" the different part of your image, I made a duplicate as mask adjusting it with histogramTransform then:
TGV denoise in the black side to reduce noise
LocalHistogramEqualization in the bright part of your image to pop up details.
Curve transform to increase saturation and adjust the balance.
Just a kick and dirty example.

Lentin Observatory

Offline Philip de Louraille

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Re: Learning PixInsight with my eclipse photo - advice needed.
« Reply #2 on: 2017 August 27 17:33:42 »
This is a great shot!
Philip de Louraille

Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Learning PixInsight with my eclipse photo - advice needed.
« Reply #3 on: 2017 August 28 21:52:12 »
Hi Moshen, beautifull image!

In my phone I cannot see the banding, only some reflexion of the bailey's beads that I don't think can be removed, but the image looks great.

Saludos, Alejandro