Hi guys,
I'm working on a replacement module that uses a different algorithm to solve the functional. In practice, this means that some of the parameters will change the behavior, while the whole algorithm will converge much faster to the solution (expect 5 to 10 times faster solutions). Also, the new module will have an option to use the classic TV regularization, wich is also faster (approx 3 times compared to TGV), and may help to find the initial parameters for TGV. TV will create piece-wise constant images instead of piece-wise smooth as in TGV... while this is usually not good, because of staircaising artifacts, the results may look sharper, and the background flatter.
I have not tested an inpainting implementation with the new algorithm, but I can't see why it should not work.
drmikevt, inpainting is the name used to the techniques that reconstruct missing data from images. You define a mask, and the algorithm completes the missing information using prior knowledge given by the algorithm. In the case of TGV, this is that the image is piece-wise smooth, to it will try to follow the image's gradients to complete the voids. Not the best solution for inpainting (it does not have information about the actual texture), but works well for relative small areas, or when noise is low.