Author Topic: Notepad within PixInsight  (Read 2284 times)

Offline John_Gill

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Notepad within PixInsight
« on: 2017 May 15 02:24:56 »

PixInsight's workflow can be fairly complicated and complex.  So I have created a small "Notepad" that I constantly refer to as I go about stacking and processing my images.  I often modify this text document with new settings or processing notes.  This work well for me, but, perhaps within PixInsight I would like to see a "notepad" where I can type and save my setting or notes.  This should be available via a "button" on the top menu bar.  I don't think the "notepad" needs to be very eloborate, just some basic formatting.

Another option is to create a button with a link to the operating system "notepad" and then "notepad" can worry about the text document for copy, past, save and basic formatting.

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Offline msmythers

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Re: Notepad within PixInsight
« Reply #1 on: 2017 May 15 03:11:07 »

You do have the ability to add notes in the history explorer. This is very handy if you are saving your projects. Each step in the history can have notes added to include the settings. What I do in many cases is copy each step back to the initial position in the history so I have a running note to refer back to if I make a change. I can copy this note to an external program at anytime.

By writing notes this way and saving projects you always know that your notes are in the same location as your data.

You could make a notes process container and just keeps notes there. You could load this container when you start PI. 


Offline mmirot

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Re: Notepad within PixInsight
« Reply #2 on: 2017 May 18 13:11:19 »
I would love a more general note pad.
One that I could add HTML content from forums or  web tutorials
would be especially useful.


Offline cameronleger

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Re: Notepad within PixInsight
« Reply #3 on: 2017 June 04 12:25:47 »
I somewhat agree with this request. With many other node-based programs (think about your process icons), there's a simple node for notes. It's usually a text box that can be resized and displays directly on the graph/workspace, but sometimes it works like all other nodes and displays its contents once opened.

I would like either solution. In the meantime, I might take advantage of the history idea, however most of the notes I'd want to store are related to each process icon I've saved. I suppose I could edit their source and include comments in there.

Offline OldSkyEyes

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Re: Notepad within PixInsight
« Reply #4 on: 2017 June 08 13:55:10 »
I would love a more general note pad.
One that I could add HTML content from forums or  web tutorials
would be especially useful.

You could use the simple notepad to add a link to some personal wiki pages, this way would add your HTML features.
just an idea, since you will probably need more than a small box if you want to view your HTML content.

Offline cameronleger

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Re: Notepad within PixInsight
« Reply #5 on: 2017 June 09 11:39:21 »
I may have found a workaround/solution for this. I just noticed you can press the tiny "D" at the bottom right of a Process Icon and add a Description for each node. It appears to accept HTML syntax, but it doesn't render properly.

I've used this to put info on each Process Icon I have, and I imagine you could make a general notepad with some NoOp Process Icons.