Author Topic: Real-Time Preview - starting zoom improvement  (Read 1677 times)

Offline Armando

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Real-Time Preview - starting zoom improvement
« on: 2017 May 15 04:20:58 »

the Real-Time preview, as soon as created, uses a zoom factor that differs from current preview/image one. This choice can be avoided if the current preview/image at its current zoom factor can fit inside the screen area available to Real-Time preview...

I often make small previews to speed up real-time preview processing.
I like to have the small preview (the unprocessed image) next to the Real-Time preview to be able to compare them simultaneously (instead of switching ON/OFF the Real-Time preview...).
I think the ability to pan and zoom on Real-Time preview could be a nice feature. But probably it works on a "reduced" image, according to its working screen area...

So, what about making Real-Time Preview starting zoom factor equal to the one set on current image/preview on which Real-Time Preview is going to work? It's feasible on small previews...
