I've been using PixInsight successfully for a couple of months on Debian Stable (Stretch). Today I "upgraded" to Debian testing (Buster) and am now missing two libraries that PixInsight requires. The message I get when trying to run the program is :
./PixInsight: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.10: version `libssl.so.10' not found (required by ./PixInsight)
./PixInsight: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.10: version `libcrypto.so.10' not found (required by ./PixInsight)
These libraries to not exist in the Debian repository, or any that I can find that use the .deb packages.
Oddly, I don't find these libraries in Debian Stable, under which PixInsight was working! I tried making symbolic links from libssl.so.10 and libcrypto.so.10 to point to the libssl and libcrypto library versions that do exist on my system, but this doesn't solve the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.