Hi all!
I'm being cofused over DSLR RAW settings and the CFA checkbox in the cosmetic correction process.
I have a set of lights, taken over a period of over one month. I have calibrated them after taking them, so calibration has also been extended over a period of over a month.
I just now realized that my DSLR RAW format setting was not set to "Pure Raw", so I am a bit uncertain as to with what setting the lights have been calibrated.
Now, in trying to combine these subs, I'm doing cosmetic correction on them. Now it looks as they react differently to the CFA checkbox:
- some subs work nicely with the CFA checbox checked.
- other subes seems to need the checkbox to be un-checked. Some subs also seems to react very negatively to CC, depending on the status of the CFA checkbox.
Now, my suspicion is that I might have combined subs with different DSLR RAW settings. So I might need to recalibrate them all. However, a few experiments with this has this far not shown any consistent pattern in the reactions to the CC procss and CFA settings there.
So: is there a way for me to see with what DSLR RAW format settings a certain sub has been calibrated? And could anyone clarify the relationship between the CFA checkbox and the DSLR RAW format settings, I'd be happy....
Two calibrated subs, reacting differently to the CFA checkbox are uploaded to: