Hi folks. I wonder if someone could help me. I am new here. My question is regarding binned files. I have 40 300s darks binned at 1x1, 60 300s lights binned at 2x2 (i.e. 20 red binned at 2x2, 20 blue binned at 2x2 and 20 green binned at 2x2). When I run batch preprocessing on them (I do put the lights where they are supposed to go, and I do put the darks where they are supposed to go), it appears that they do not like that they are not binned the same ? (i.e. all binned at 1x1 or all binned at 2x2). Do I need to makes them the same pixel size before I run batch preprocessing on them? If so is that using the resample function? Thanks so much...