Author Topic: alingning/blending two images  (Read 4010 times)

Offline dhalliday

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alingning/blending two images
« on: 2009 April 10 08:33:53 »
This question seems so basic I should be embarresed (but I am too eager for an answer to care)  :D

If I have two slightly (geometricaly) different images (same optics,different nites,different filters) ,apparently I cannot simply "throw" the whole lot into DSS...(they DO have much different tint and intensity obviously)
Does Pix have a tool to align these  two images ???
 Can someone link me to a tutorial on this ?
I have HEAVY local lite pollution,and often use an Astronomik UHC filter for nebulae.... I am trying to reintroduce some B/G signal to make a prettier picture.....
 I am told that shooting additional frames with NO filter is the answer...I suppose I could image with and without directly and avoid changing my coordinates.....any comments on my "blend plan" and alignment would be most welcome...

Dave H   (keen but not blue/green)
Dave Halliday
8" Newtonian/Vixen VC200L/ TV 101,etc etc

Offline Jack Harvey

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alingning/blending two images
« Reply #1 on: 2009 April 10 08:40:13 »
Dynamic Alignment works well.  Open both images, then open dynamic alignment tool.  Click on first image to make it the master and then click on the second image.  Now go to the first iamge and click on a star that is in both images.  If the intial click is off in the second image drag it to the proper star.  Repeat 3-6 times then click the green check at bottom of alignment too.

Star Alignment will also work but is a bit more entailed
Jack Harvey, PTeam Member
Team Leader, SSRO/PROMPT Imaging Team, CTIO