Author Topic: Integration: Output size different than input size?  (Read 2125 times)

Offline boonejames

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Integration: Output size different than input size?
« on: 2017 January 31 11:52:47 »
So I'm trying to integrate my bias frames but when I do, this happens:

The images are 6024x4022, but it is trying to integrate them as 4022x6024, and the integrated result is 6024x4022. So it is only integrating the first square of 4022x4022 pixels and is losing the other 2002 pixels since it thinks they should be below the image instead on the right, so the right is black and those pixels are gone.

Any idea how to fix this? I will post pictures as well so you can see what I mean. I did the same settings with my darks and it worked just fine, the bias are just being weird for some reason.

Thank you!

Offline boonejames

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Re: Integration: Output size different than input size?
« Reply #1 on: 2017 January 31 12:01:56 »
I believe I fixed it:

Went into RAW Format Preferences and checked "no image flip" and it seems to be working correctly! :)