Author Topic: Pleiades and Andromeda .fits - anyone want to play around with them?  (Read 2724 times)

Offline waterbourn

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So I shot Andromeda with a D90 and Pleiades with a D5300.   Both with a SV90 scope.  I am in some bad light pollution so these are a compilation of 60s exposures.  I did the best I could with these files.  There were some dust motes and other artifacts I had a hard time with.  All had darks, flats, and bias included in the stacking. 

Getting a dark background is the toughest thing for me.  In pixinsight I just did a basic workflow based on tutorials I read and watched.   Crop - DBE (i used subtraction and division, but didn't see much difference) - BackgroundNeu - Histogram Transformation - Curves (mostly for color saturation) - then back to Histogram transformation to try and get my background blacker in color..

I would love to see what someone who really knows what they they are doing could get out these files.  I am just learning and I don't know if I have gotten the max out of them or if there is data I am leaving on the table.   I also played around with StarTools for Andromeda for comparison of the two programs.

Here are the .fits for Andromeda and Pleiades as well as the .jpeg of what I could muster.    If anyone of you are willing to do some processing, i would be ecstatic to see what you get.  I can learn alot from what someone else can do.!AjCvQGZfRgeojiq_FMlnbdXC2h5i

Happy 2017!

Offline waterbourn

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 :sad: No takers? 

I really want to see want an expert at the program could do just to see how badly my processing skills are.

Offline TobiasLindemann

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Hi Waterbourn,

there are two reasons why no one want to process your data. The first is, that you do not have much posts, so the probability that you react to an answer is low. The second reason is that your flats are not very good. There are much dust and a color-vignetting left in your image. I think this is the toughest thing in your data.
Nevertheless I had a try. It is far from what is possible, but maybe a little bit better than your try. 
My workflow is not much different than yours, but with some other adjustments.
If you want to, you can download my processing icons here: (save target as)
For the "color boost" processes I have used a luminance-mask of your image. For the "reduceBackgroundcolor" process I used the same, but with inverted mask. If you do not know how this works, tell me.
If you want, you can download a 16bit-tif Version of my try here:
The dust I have reduced in Photoshop with adjustment layers. There is a way to to this in PI too, but it is more complex.


Offline TobiasLindemann

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This is the reason, why nobody want to answer extensive questions from newbies. They post questions in several forums and when nobody reacts in the next hours they forget them. Maybe my try is not so good, but a simple "thanks for your work" would be sufficient. This is really frustrating.