I'm brand new to PI and am working on my first astro image (the Andromeda Galaxy). I started out by following Kayron's Andromeda tutorial step-by-step, and using those exact settings, to get a basic understanding of PI and the workflow. Since then, I've gone back through it numerous times to "test" different settings at different points in the process to get an understanding of what the various settings do for the image. Here is a link to one of the "versions":
https://www.dropbox.com/s/17t4j81q8watey7/Andromeda_112816.xisf?dl=0The image above has been completely processed according to Kaylons tutorial here:
http://www.lightvortexastronomy.com/tutorial-example-m31-andromeda-galaxy---dslr.htmlI know there are many things I need to get better at, and that it will take time and practice. And there are numerous things with this image that I'm not happy with (another set of questions for another day). But my immediate question is this:
1. What is that "cloud" that surrounds Andromeda and is quite prominent between Andromeda and M110? Is it really something that's there out in space? Is it noise, or something that I introduced at some point in the process?
2. If it DOES belong there, I can live with that, although I think it takes away from the galaxy itself.
3. If it DOESN'T belong there, how can I remove it? I've tried numerous settings and different processes but any that were able to reduce/remove the cloud/fog/dust also wreaked havoc on the rest of the image.
Here are the details:
This is a composite of 50 thirty-second images taken with a Canon 70D and 70-200mm Canon f2.8 lens at 200mm at ISO800. The camera was piggybacked on a Celestron SCT with AVX mount and tracking seemed to be very good (individual images were very well aligned even before registering).
I did all the pre-processing in PixInsight, following Kayron's step-by-step tutorial, located here:
http://www.lightvortexastronomy.com/tutorial-pre-processing-calibrating-and-stacking-images-in-pixinsight.htmlIn addition to the 50 Light Frames, I created and used a SuperBias from 150 subframes and Master Dark from 50 Dark frames. I didn't use any Flats (working on implementing that into my capture process).
The following image has only had DBE applied to it (after pre-processing, of course) as well as HistogramTransformation to show the image at the very beginning of the process.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ne4ifu6l6bzxvv6/Andromeda_Closeup_112816_Weighted_DBE.jpg?dl=0Although I'm only looking for an answer to this one question, feel free to comment on any other elements of the image so that I can learn. But be gentle!
Thank you, in advance, for any insight you could provide.