Author Topic: Problems with Basic CCD Parameters Script using Nikon D800  (Read 2636 times)

Offline AlphaZentauri

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Hey guys,
Right at the beginning I want to say, that the Basic CCD Parameters Script is extremely useful and I love using it. But now I´ve got a problem with the script. When I tested my D800 at ISO 100,200,...6400 I found out, that above 1600 ISO the script just keeps telling me the same values for gain, dynamic range and FW capacity which is, to my mind, a really strange behavior. I am using the Astromod of the Nikon hackers forum so that the camera doesn´t crop the image internaly so maybe this is causing the error. I will attach screenshots of the output of the script.

Best regards,

PS: The first attachment is shot at 1600 ISO, the second at 3200 ISO and the third at 6400 ISO

Offline AlphaZentauri

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Re: Problems with Basic CCD Parameters Script using Nikon D800
« Reply #1 on: 2016 November 10 08:37:49 »
So is there nobody who can help me with my problem?

Offline sharkmelley

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Re: Problems with Basic CCD Parameters Script using Nikon D800
« Reply #2 on: 2016 November 13 01:03:59 »
Looking at the Means and Standard Deviations reported by the script, I would say that all the frames have been shot using the same ISO.

Go back and check the ISOs of the frames you are providing to the script.

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Offline AlphaZentauri

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Re: Problems with Basic CCD Parameters Script using Nikon D800
« Reply #3 on: 2016 November 13 03:37:30 »
Well, that´s what I´ve also thought right at the beginning. Unfortunately I double checked if the ISO settings were correct and saw that they were correct, so I don´t think it´s that. I´ll ask on Nikon Hackers if it´s possible that this hack causes the camera not to go higher internally.