Author Topic: ImageSolver script hanging  (Read 3381 times)

Offline esordini

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ImageSolver script hanging
« on: 2017 January 31 07:15:47 »
Dear all,
I have a problem with the ImageSolver script. Apologies if this is not the right board: please feel free to move my topic elsewhere if need be.

I have an image I would like to plate solve. I know the coordinates of the area with very good approximation. I open up the script dialog box, I enter the coordinates and the correct values for the image scale (FL and pixel size). Unfortunately, PI will hang shortly after launching the IS script (see attached screenshot of the process console).

Since my goal is to find the sensitivity of a detector by determining the magnitude of the faintest stars (not photometrically, but from a catalog) detected in the image (uncalibrated), I picked the PPMXL catalog with a limiting magnitude of 20. I know that too faint of a limiting magnitude could slow the processing down, but nevertheless the field is very small and the actual number of stars is quite reasonable (about 100).

Perphaps I am missing something?

Thanks in advance!


Offline Andres.Pozo

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Re: ImageSolver script hanging
« Reply #1 on: 2017 January 31 11:16:08 »
First of all, the PPMXL catalog doesn't reach magnitude 20 so you can try with a lower value.

If it still doesn't work I would need your image and the parameters that you are using for ImageSolver.

Offline esordini

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Re: ImageSolver script hanging
« Reply #2 on: 2017 February 01 04:58:03 »
First of all, the PPMXL catalog doesn't reach magnitude 20 so you can try with a lower value.

Actually is says here

that the PPMXL catalog goes as deep down as V ~20. Anyway I tried with m = 19 and it still freezes up.

If it still doesn't work I would need your image and the parameters that you are using for ImageSolver
Sure! Shall we continue in private?