I haven't changed anything with the camera, or with how I calibrate my images using the BPP script, but now my images aren't being calibrated correctly anymore. The Canon T4i uses Focus Pixels and I see those focus pixels in the High Rejection Maps for MasterBias and MasterDark frames. The MasterBias and MasterDark frames look normal (and so does the MasterFlat), but the MasterLight image is messed up, it has a much darker center section right where the focus pixels are located. I just want to make clear that I never had this problem for the first 3 years of calibrating images the same way. Only recently have I've been seeing this problem.
Did the BPP script code change in a way that would cause it to over-correct my subs? Or could it be something else that's unforeseen to me?
Here is what I'm talking about.