I'm new to the forum and fairly new to AP in general so I wanted to say hello to the great members and contributors here. I've been into visual astronomy for 20+ years and got into AP about 1.5 years ago. I'm coming off of a 9 month absence due to buying property under dark NM skies, moving, and building an observatory. Everything is now up and running so I'm back into data gathering again.
I knew nothing about image processing of any type so after extensive research on what to attempt to learn I went with PixInsight. I forgot most of what little I had learned but thanks to a lot of you, there are great resources available for new folks like myself.
I've been capturing data on an object for several nights now and my first night out had some focusing issues. When I had enough frames to start the processing I used the SubFrameSelector (?) module and these frames were quickly identified and placed into the reject folder. I took some more another night to replace them, all RGB, and forgot to include the different letters into the file name, I'm using SGP. So I ended up with a lot of frames that I don't know what they are for sure.
Is there a tool or process I can use on these frames to help me determine which filter I used or did I just waste a night??
Thank you in advance for any information that may help.