Author Topic: Master darks for preprocessing script - bias-subtracted or not?  (Read 2229 times)

Offline johnw3d

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There doesn't seem to be any indication whether the master dark you supply to the pre-processing script should be bias-subtracted or not.  A scan of the script source suggests it assumes it is *not*, is that correct?

I do note that integrating master-bias-subtracted dark subs produces a slightly different result to subtracting a master-bias from a similarly integrated master dark from non-bias-subtracted dark subs, at least with my camera - which one is correct?

Similarly for the cosmetic-correction tool driven by a master-dark, should that be bias-subtracted or not?

Thanks for any advice,
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Offline Alejandro Tombolini

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Re: Master darks for preprocessing script - bias-subtracted or not?
« Reply #1 on: 2016 October 12 16:19:50 »
Hi John,

There doesn't seem to be any indication whether the master dark you supply to the pre-processing script should be bias-subtracted or not. 

See notes in this video

Similarly for the cosmetic-correction tool driven by a master-dark, should that be bias-subtracted or not?

Not sure if there is any difference in which one to use...

Saludos, Alejandro