It's all a bit confusing - I'm sure you've heard that before. PixInsight truly is a great tool and I'm looking forward to getting to know it better over the years. However, I'm a bit baffled by when to do things with DSLR Images. I've searched around a lot on the forum and Resources but I am still a bit uncertain of what I am seeing on the screen with DSLR data (I am totally fine with LRGB data is fine - I've been doing that for years).
When I calibrate the original RAW file I get a Calibrated FIT file. This file, apparently is not a real RGB file but a CFA file? (whatever that is - I can't find an explanation for it anywhere.)
Why am I supposed to debayer the image file AFTER calibrating? Shouldn't that be done before calibration so the separate Cal files can be applied or does PI separate the different channels in the RAW file and calibrate them separately? Some folks are writing modules to separate the channels out from the RAW files first, which seems to make sense but that isn't what others do.
Does PI actually create three separate RGB Biases, Darks and Flats when using RAW images to create them and then apply them separately each channel?
Debayering creates separate RGB Channels ( correct?) but are these combined on the screen to so I can VIEW a color image while running the Subframe Selector script or any other process, for example?
I have to separate out the RGB channels after I've made my final stack and I then have to combine them into an RGB image before I can do any processing?
IT would be really great to have a simple explanation about all of this that is HIGHLIGHTED as a DLSR USERS READ THIS FIRST file somewhere.