Author Topic: Death of licensee  (Read 4425 times)


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Death of licensee
« on: 2016 May 08 02:16:49 »

In the license text, I read :

This End User License will be strictly personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive, and does not under any circumstance confer ownership thereof. You may not rent, lease, lend, redistribute, transfer or sublicense the Software or its use.

Does this mean that when I will die, I will loose the license and not be able to transfer it to my son (with all my astronomy material) ?

The "End User" term is quite applicable to this situation...


Offline Juan Conejero

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Re: Death of licensee
« Reply #1 on: 2016 May 11 00:19:23 »
Hi Fred,

When you bought your PixInsight license, you didn't bought PixInsight software, but just the right to install and use it under the terms and conditions specified in our End User License Agreement. You necessarily agreed to abide by all of these terms and conditions when you purchased your license.

Since a PixInsight license is not transferable, you cannot transfer it to your son or to anyone else. I understand this may bother you, but we have very good reasons to impose these limits. If we allowed license transfers, the PixInsight project would be very problematic or even inviable economically in the medium-long term. Please understand that we cannot make any exceptions.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team


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Re: Death of licensee
« Reply #2 on: 2016 May 18 14:12:08 »
Too bad.

I find PI far too complex for what I can do. I found it that complex that I stopped astrophotography...

- DeepSkyStacker cannot use the B&W pictures of my debayered DSLR, and its development is now stopped
- Iris does not work efficiently with modern computers (it runs only on one processor, so when I run it from my 8 cores Core i7, it is slower than with my old - and dead - Pentium IV computer...

It is now more than 8 month I did not made any photos, and I purchased PI because many convinced me to purchase it. I tried PI with some friends and some of them were quite efficient with it. Not me... and now I had time to try to use it, I can't do anything that is better than what I was doing before with Iris/DSS/Photoshop.

All the tutorial, or most of them, are useless : video tutorials are crap. I can't look & listen to a video and in the same time try to reproduce what is shown on my computer : I only have one computer and one screen, and only two hands !!! I'm not Shiva !!!

The telescope, the DSLRs and all astronomy stuff like PI are now in my garage waiting for the day I will discard them to the trash bin... if my sons don't want it...


Offline NGC7789

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Re: Death of licensee
« Reply #3 on: 2016 May 18 14:24:22 »
That is a shame.

But I would recommend that you consider a donation (other than the non-transferable PI license of course) to a local astronomy club, school or other youth educational outlet. Your stuff may still gets lots of love. That is...if your sons don't want it.

Offline Eddy Timmermans

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Re: Death of licensee
« Reply #4 on: 2016 May 27 06:37:57 »

I think you should show a little bit more respect for all the work the developers and fans put together to make PI what it is today.
Calling most video tutorials crap ? I wonder what tutorials you are referring to.
You really don't need to be Shiva to click on the pause button and try out what you just saw. Or write down a summary.

Perhaps PI is just not your thing, but to give up astrophotography because you find it too complex ?That's what I call crap.
You could try out other softwares instead of just giving up.

And if you are not happy with the price ? Just compare it to other packages. You will find that in the long run, they will cost more, for perhaps less. PI needs to be bought only once.

So if you want to give up, I won't hold you back, but don't blame it on PI or the fact that you cannot transfer the license.
You say it is complex ? Please try doing the same thing with Photoshop, by using its manual.
I searched the internet and this forum and was able to produce some pretty nifty results and I am in no way super-intelligent.
Sure my pics are not perfect, but I'm only beginning to use it.
And I'm pretty sure it's no coincidence that a lot of people, pro's and amateurs,use PI as their primary astro image processing tool.


Offline Philippe B.

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Re: Death of licensee
« Reply #5 on: 2016 May 30 01:53:03 »
I tried PI with some friends and some of them were quite efficient with it. Not me...

So ?  Is it PI team fault if you don't have success to process your images ?
You know, there are some PI training every year in France with AIP team. We have a success every year with a week-end training of 100 attendees in 4 groups. Maybe you should come there.

Also, look at the licences rules of all other software. You will see transfer is not allowed.

You should have more respect for PI developers. Maybe PI is not perfect but for sure it does the job, and better than any other astrophotography processing software. But it requires a different way to understand the processing art.
« Last Edit: 2016 May 30 03:32:06 by Philippe B. »