Author Topic: PixInsight reset toolbars when started in different display resolution  (Read 3020 times)

Offline FunTomas

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I removed Zoom toolbar at home. Today starting PixInsight at bigger display, zoom toolbar is again visible. In specified folder is only one Pixinsight.ini. I made backup of this file and compare it with INI file created after correct desktop settings.
Main difference is in startup time, pixel dimension of main screen and changes in MainWindow\Layout=@ByteArray(...). There are encoded settings for toolbar too.
Main reason is display resolution. If PixInsight started with different display resolution than stored in INI file, PixInsight will reset some keys with default values. I think, that reseting toolbars is not necessary.

Offline FunTomas

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Plese, please, is it possible to fix that issue? It is too uncomfortable for me. Many thanks.

Offline Juan Conejero

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If PixInsight started with different display resolution than stored in INI file, PixInsight will reset some keys with default values. I think, that reseting toolbars is not necessary.

Not resetting them might cause worse problems. I'll try to fix this issue in the next version. We have other ongoing projects right now that are priority, though. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Juan Conejero
PixInsight Development Team