Is there a method to BatchPreProcess/stack/calibrate/register only a section (i.e. cropping)?
The field of view is very wide for my imaging target, a small galaxy. The small galaxy probably represents <1% of the entire frame, so I have a lot of irrelevant data.
I'm imaging with a 55mm focal length camera lens.
I have imaged over several nights, so the images are not all the same location.
During the imaging duration some of my frames have trees, but the trees are not blocking the target. So the target is still good.
What I was thinking of doing to conserve processing time and drive storage, is reduce the frame size by cropping only the area of interest, the galaxy. In addition, it would also crop out the tree at the frame edge.
Are there reasons not to do this?
How does this affect my dark, bias, flat frames?
Is there a PixInisght feature to assist in this?
Thank you,