Author Topic: SubFrameSelector: No installed image file format was found  (Read 3007 times)

Offline JakeJake

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Cannot save plot in SubFrameSelector.  I also noticed it tries to save with the extension ","...with a comma.
In addition, I can't load in a table csv file, so I have to reprocess.

SubframeSelector Version 1.4:

Save plots as: D:/Astronomy/M81/,
Generating plot: Weight
Generating plot: FWHM
Generating plot: Eccentricity
Generating plot: SNRWeight
Generating plot: Median
Generating plot: MeanDeviation
Generating plot: Noise
Generating plot: StarSupport
Generating plot: StarResidual
Generating plot: NoiseSupport
Generating plot: FWHMMeanDev
Generating plot: EccentricityMeanDev
Generating plot: StarResidualMeanDev

Writing plots image file as: D:/Astronomy/M81/,
*** Error [000]: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/mschuster/SubframeSelector/SubframeSelectorReadWriteImage.js, line 351: Error: no installed image file format was found for the specified file extension and access conditions

Offline mschuster

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Re: SubFrameSelector: No installed image file format was found
« Reply #1 on: 2016 April 04 17:26:25 »
Sorry for the trouble. When you click on the "Save Plots As..." button, the script should open a Save As dialog with the default file name "". The script always uses this name with the ".fit" extension. I see nothing in the script code that could generate ",".

Maybe you inadvertently changed the extension by typing? I know this sounds dumb, but I see no other possibility.

Also, how are you trying to load the csv file? If you have not done so, try using the Script Editor view to open the file.

« Last Edit: 2016 April 04 17:37:18 by mschuster »

Offline JakeJake

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Re: SubFrameSelector: No installed image file format was found
« Reply #2 on: 2016 April 04 18:03:04 »
When I select Save Plot As, I get:

Offline JakeJake

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Re: SubFrameSelector: No installed image file format was found
« Reply #3 on: 2016 April 04 18:05:15 »
When I select Save Plot As, and provide a filename without extension...

SubframeSelector Version 1.4:

Save plots as: D:/Astronomy/,
Generating plot: Weight
Generating plot: FWHM
Generating plot: Eccentricity
Generating plot: SNRWeight
Generating plot: Median
Generating plot: MeanDeviation
Generating plot: Noise
Generating plot: StarSupport
Generating plot: StarResidual
Generating plot: NoiseSupport
Generating plot: FWHMMeanDev
Generating plot: EccentricityMeanDev
Generating plot: StarResidualMeanDev

Writing plots image file as: D:/Astronomy/,
*** Error [000]: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/mschuster/SubframeSelector/SubframeSelectorReadWriteImage.js, line 351: Error: no installed image file format was found for the specified file extension and access conditions

Offline JakeJake

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Re: SubFrameSelector: No installed image file format was found
« Reply #4 on: 2016 April 04 18:06:10 »
...and when this error occurs, it closes the SubframeSelector script, and I have to redo everything.

Offline mschuster

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Re: SubFrameSelector: No installed image file format was found
« Reply #5 on: 2016 April 04 18:12:16 »
Ok, thank you for these tests.

It looks to me like something in the Win PJSR platform is adding ".fit," to the name. This does not occur on Mac. I will investigate.


Offline mschuster

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Re: SubFrameSelector: No installed image file format was found
« Reply #6 on: 2016 April 04 19:22:36 »

The script works fine on Win 7. You are likely using a newer Win version, which I don't have. However, I will release an update to the script with a change that I think will solve the problem on these newer Win versions. This should be available as a PixInsight auto update in several days or so (Version 1.6).

« Last Edit: 2016 April 04 22:26:09 by mschuster »