Cannot save plot in SubFrameSelector. I also noticed it tries to save with the extension ","...with a comma.
In addition, I can't load in a table csv file, so I have to reprocess.
SubframeSelector Version 1.4:
Save plots as: D:/Astronomy/M81/,
Generating plot: Weight
Generating plot: FWHM
Generating plot: Eccentricity
Generating plot: SNRWeight
Generating plot: Median
Generating plot: MeanDeviation
Generating plot: Noise
Generating plot: StarSupport
Generating plot: StarResidual
Generating plot: NoiseSupport
Generating plot: FWHMMeanDev
Generating plot: EccentricityMeanDev
Generating plot: StarResidualMeanDev
Writing plots image file as: D:/Astronomy/M81/,
*** Error [000]: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/mschuster/SubframeSelector/SubframeSelectorReadWriteImage.js, line 351: Error: no installed image file format was found for the specified file extension and access conditions