Author Topic: HR Diagram Test  (Read 1946 times)

Offline Julien563

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HR Diagram Test
« on: 2016 March 19 12:29:07 »
Hello everyone,

 I would like to make a HR Digramm with the FWHMEexcentricity technics.
I tried to follow instructions on this topic :
But data don't match between them. I mean when you must select data to try to match INDEX to do B-V after it, first of all, i don't have a lot of points which correspond between them and after, my diagram doesn't correspond to a HR Diagram. I don't know where i'm wrong, i think that i have found the good Constant that i must add on the Magnitude equation : -2.5log(Flux)+C with a referential star that i picked thx to Annotate Image.
So i transfer you Excel file with all my data here.

Thx in advance


Best Regards

Julien ;)
« Last Edit: 2016 March 19 14:34:08 by Julien563 »
“What Is Love? I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul”
? Victor Hugo