I tried to create a mosaic of the Heart and Soul nebula and ended up with an image of just one of the images. Thinking that maybe there was no overlap I did the following test:
- load processed image
- define two previews, with overlap
- create an image of both previews
- close original image
- start staralignment
- select one of the views as reference
- attempt to load views as frames to align, doesn't work (red x next to them)
- save previews
- load 2 saved previews in staralignment process
- select 'mosaic' mode
- hit apply
- I end up with a new image which is just a copy of the reference frame
Here's the processing console output:
Writing file:
Writing FITS image: 32-bit integers, 3 channel(s), 1512x836 pixels: 100%
Writing file:
Writing FITS image: 32-bit integers, 3 channel(s), 1552x748 pixels: 100%
StarAlignment: Processing view: img1
Extracting CIE L* component: 100%
Structure map: 100%
Detecting stars: 100%
1316 stars found.
Extracting CIE L* component: 100%
Structure map: 100%
Detecting stars: 100%
1316 stars found.
Matching stars...
1316 putative star pair matches.
Performing RANSAC...
1316 star pair matches in 1 RANSAC iterations.
Root mean square error:
drms : 0.000 px
Peak errors:
dXmax : 0.000 px
dYmax : 0.000 px
Transformation matrix:
+1.0000 +0.0000 -0.0000
-0.0000 +1.0000 -0.0000
-0.0000 +0.0000 +1.0000
Generating mosaic image: img1_mosaic
Filling image: 100%
Applying image, op=Mov: 100%
Homographic Projection / Bicubic Spline Interpolation: 100%
Registration successful.
21.453 s
Looks like it only looks at one image but the process container says this:
// Start time: 2008/12/11 22:06:13 UTC
// Execution time: 21.453 s
var p = new StarAlignment;
with ( p )
structureLayers = 5;
noiseLayers = 1;
sensitivity = 0.100;
peakResponse = 0.75;
maxStarDistortion = 0.500;
invert = false;
matcherTolerance = 0.005;
ransacMaxIterations = 1000;
maxStars = 4000;
trianglesPerStar = 8;
useBrightnessRelations = true;
referenceImage = "img1";
referenceIsFile = false;
targets = // enabled, isFile, image
[true, true, "E:/AstroImaging/Tests/pixinsight/img2.fit"],
[true, true, "E:/AstroImaging/Tests/pixinsight/img1.fit"]];
mode = RegisterUnion;
outputDirectory = "";
outputExtension = "";
outputPrefix = "";
outputPostfix = "_r";
outputSampleFormat = SameAsTarget;
overwriteExistingFiles = false;
onError = Continue;
I looked for a tutorial on this process but couldn't find it. If it's there, please point the way
I can upload the images if needed but I suspect my mistake(s) are clear from what I posted above.