Author Topic: Cold pixels and column defects....cosmetic correction help  (Read 2097 times)

Offline tomb18

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  • Posts: 43
I was trying to use the cosmetic correction process but it is not clear to me what "cold" pixels are. Are they the black pixels in the image?  What distinguishes them from pixels that are actually from lack of a signal?
Related to this, I have 4 column defects.  I created a defect list in the cosmetic correction process but to get rid of them I have to move the slider almost down to 0 for the cold pixel standard deviation.  The result is that I lose lost of so called cold pixels.  Ho should this be handled?

As to the cosmetic correction tool why is auto detect there when you can also adjust everything with it disabled?  Or contrary, why are the manual adjustments there when auto detect is used?

I really wish this was documented somewhere.  It really isn't and should be. And I don't mean a simple tutorial getting rid of hot pixels of which there are plenty.  Even though I can rid of most of the cold pixels in the defective columns they still show up a bit.
Thanks Tom