Author Topic: Problems procesing M42  (Read 2640 times)

Offline Stargate

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Problems procesing M42
« on: 2016 February 07 03:09:32 »

I started to collect information about M42 in different sessions and have problems from the beginning.

In the first session I had two sets of 15 seconds and 30 seconds at ISO 800. The first of a total of 40 images, equivalent to 10 minutes and the second 60 images, or what is the same 30 minutes. For both series they have taken 40 darks, 30 flats and 30 bias. I preprocessing each with Bach Preprocesing, and then I made the all-star lineup of the two resutantes images, to finally make the HDR integration. Ever since I came out processing such filaments are observed in virtually stretched image and not what may be the source.
I can add that when taking pictures, light files appear upright in the lights folder, while the rest of images: darks, flats and bias displayed in landscape mode. Can this be the origin of these artifacts and banding up and down image of m42?

Best regards.


Offline Stargate

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Re: Problems procesing M42
« Reply #1 on: 2016 February 07 07:17:55 »

 I have reprocessed with other program and artifacts disappear. Deputy comparative of the two images with virtual drawing:

Stacked with (program), capture 30 minutes 30 seconds:

Same image PI:

General processing parameters IP were as follows:

Can you select a wrong choice?

A greeting

Offline johnpohollaren

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Re: Problems procesing M42
« Reply #2 on: 2016 February 08 12:49:29 »
Regarding orientation, In DSLR_Raw settings there is a check box for something along the line of "ignore orientation", try checking this. DSLR RAW files shouldn't have orientation data. Also you can check if this is the problem by looking at the console output, if it is, red text will output saying there is an image size mismatch while processing.

Offline Stargate

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Re: Problems procesing M42
« Reply #3 on: 2016 February 08 13:51:17 »
Regarding orientation, In DSLR_Raw settings there is a check box for something along the line of "ignore orientation", try checking this. DSLR RAW files shouldn't have orientation data. Also you can check if this is the problem by looking at the console output, if it is, red text will output saying there is an image size mismatch while processing.
