Hi Rob,
And thanks for your reply. And I understand about the rejection maps now that you have pointed it out. But I used BPP to calibrate the images only. I used Star Alignment to register the images, and Imageintegration to stack them. And if I recall correctly, the result was the integrated image and the two reject maps. After looking at them, I closed the reject maps and tried to use the integrated image as the registration image. I assume from what you are saying that just closing them still leaves them imbedded in the image, and that is causing the problem?
..."you'll probably get better results by integrating the registered lights produced by the script, since you can fine-tune the rejection parameters."
Isn't that using Imageintegration? Because that is what I did use.
Okay I just saved the 12 minute integrated image, and then reopened it, and I was then able to use it as the registration image. Problem solved. Thank you!
I mainly wanted to use the HDR tool to try and get rid of the halo around blown out Alnitak. And since finding out that it also can replace lost star colors, that is another reason I wanted to try it. And even with the banding in the 30s image, I figured that the data that I may borrow from it will still be the brightest parts of the image, and should have lots of SNR to hide the banding. And I will watch the masks to keep the dimmer 30s data out of the final image. Thanks again for your help!