Hi John,
I've a look to your image, your image is lacking a good focus, mainly in the red channel, that could be related to the Astronomiks CLS-CCD clip, or the quality of your optics who focus differently depending of the wavelength. As a side effect the stars alignment is not as good expected. I recommend you also to integrate more images to improve the ratio signal to noise.
I worked in a crop of your image, extracting the channels and reducing the stars size in the Red channel.
The first step is to do a StarMask covering perfectly the stars to be reduced, with the mask showing these stars and protecting all the remaining then using MT with Morphological selection instead of erosion, it's more efficient in my opinion, apply MT with 2 or 3 iterations. Look at the forum about MT selection for more information or links like this one are invaluable source of information.
http://pixinsight.com.ar/en/Then combine back the channels using the Red modified.
I reduced the noise using TGV denoise and stretched with histogramTransform.
Here is my try.