- Blink: does not compile due to internal compiler error. Not really a PI problem, but you might want to know...
That's why we always use a *controlled* version of GCC. Currently we use 4.8.3, which has no problems with all PixInsight/PCL source code.
- Installer: installer due to reference to ../../core/Components/Application/Version.h. Not really painful...
The installer is included more for information purposes than as a "buildable" item. Anyway I have attached Version.h to this message.
- DrizzleIntegration: reference to ../ImageRegistration/Homography.h (not included in released sources).
Oops! Yes, this is a problem. We cannot release the source code of the ImageRegistration module (quite a few competing products would be really happy if we did so!). I'll see if I can include a reduced version of Homography.h in PCL, with the routines required for drizzle. Thank you for pointing this out.
- XISF due to dependency on /home/georg/GitHub/PCL/include/pcl/String.h:118:23: fatal error file not found: # include <qglobal.h> due to -D__PCL_QT_INTERFACE in makefile. Again I would hope that PCL does not require other files (here from Qt). I know how to help myself with the XISF by patching the Makefile and using the Qt coming with Fedora21. But I was a bit surprised that I find a Qt dependency here while everything else in PCL carefully tries to avoid direct use of the GUI library.
The XISF module is an exception because it depends on QtXml (specifically, on the QStreamReader and QStreamWriter classes). The main reason is that since Qt is already available on all PixInsight distributions, QtXml is the most logical option (besides the fact that XML handling is really excellent in Qt). You need to install and build Qt 4.8.6 to build the XISF module. Only the QtCore and QtXml libraries are required.
Since libXISF will use
libXml, future versions of the XISF module will also depend on this open source library. I'll probably use libXml also in the core application (for projects, icon files, etc.).
// ****************************************************************************
// PixInsight Core Application Version Ripley
// ****************************************************************************
// 2014/11/14 11:59:48 UTC
// Components/Application/Version.h
// ****************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Pleiades Astrophoto S.L. All Rights Reserved.
// ****************************************************************************
* 1.8 Ripley
#define PI_VERSION_BUILD 1123
#define PI_VERSION_LANGCODE "eng" // ISO 639.2 language code
#define PI_VERSION_CODENAME "Ripley"
// ****************************************************************************
// 2014/11/14 11:59:48 UTC
// Components/Application/Version.h