I have improved my results lately by using the custom weight keyword from Subframeselector (thanks to David Ault's tutorial at trappedphotons.com). While that script adds a nice custom weight keyword to the FITS header of the file which can be used by ImageIntegration, it also completely overwrites that header, removing all the good FITS keywords that recorded the camera's exposure details as well as subsequent calibration and noise evaluation details. This makes using CometAlignment after SubframeSelector a challenge because there is no longer a 'DATE-OBS' keyword available to calculate subframe offsets.
Will Subframeselector tool will be updated to solve this problem? I see I'm not the first to have this FITS header problem with it.
Meanwhile, how would I batch copy the custom weight keyword from my Subframeselector output files back into my debayered (not aligned) originals? I hope there's a way to automate this process as I may be using it often -- unless there's a better workaround.
Thanks for any light you might shed - I've had no luck in my search for an answer so far,
Arlo Reeves