I am learning that cross platform tools have disadvantages that I need to weigh when making my purchase decisions
Well, nothing is perfect. Everything has its pros and cons, and cross-platform-ability isn't an exception. But honestly, the pros are much much more than the cons. Personally, I cannot imagine software development, especially something like PI, tied to a particular platform; it would lose most of its sense, at least for me.
If you're interested in fixing this you should apply some pressure to them
Here you're right, of course. However the real problem is me, not them. Trolltech (now owned by Nokia) has a team of extremely nice and responsive support guys. They are always ready to help (and they do really know Qt stuff), but to fix something like this "losing focus" thing, I have to dedicate a lot of time to present the problem in a way suitable for them to analyze and find it.
In other words: if I build one of Qt's standard example programs, the application does not lose focus after a modal dialog on Windows. But PI does. So the problem is a weird interaction between PI, Qt, and Windows. Now the real problem is finding it... I'll do, of course
When I last looked at it it was pretty complicated and the only documentation is the class reference.
True. Documentation: my worst nightmare
I hope this will change in the short term. In the meanwhile, you know I'm here to help if you decide to start writing something (oh, I've heard you fix defects in your images with your own software, hmmm... :twisted: )
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