Hi gents, to the best of my knowledge, no software can fully address temperature differences and it's best practice to use matching temp calibration/light frames. With my part-time work as a customer service rep for QSI cameras, we see the importance of using contemporaneous frames. In some cases even a matching sensor temperature set point can yield imperfect calibration if ambient conditions varied a lot between the acquisition of light frames and dark frames. All that being said, ImageCalibration's Optimize feature does a great job of evening out any disparity in time (and temp).
On the positive side Martin, a Jim says, PI does accurately scale a long dark to shorter lights, as well as flats, making flat dark acquisition unnecessary. One caveat, and I'm not certain of this, but I think that the scaling ability of the BPP script is more limited than ImageCalibration. Juan can tell us for sure, but with flats I don't think it's an issue as dark subtraction is often skipped when the action will add noise.
Martin I think 50 bias are great, and your idea of Superbias is great too. Jim, that's a lot of calibration frames! :>) I generally do 50 bias and 25 darks, but more is good too!