Author Topic: Lock ups in PI  (Read 2730 times)

Offline pvelez

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Lock ups in PI
« on: 2016 January 23 15:01:19 »
I updated to version this week and have found that the performance of PI had dropped off significantly. Simple tasks (e.g. applying a saturation boost to an RGB image with Curves Transformation) sometimes takes minutes rather than a fraction of a second. The spinning wheel simply sits and waits. Other times the machine simply purrs through the functions.

Yesterday I applied the NBRGB Combination script to an RGB image to combine with Ha - it took 20 minutes to process.

I haven't seen this behaviour previously. I would roll back to the last version of PI but have several projects that have been saved in the new version and so won't open with the previous version. That said, I'm not sure if the issue is with the Mac or PI. To my untutored eye, it looks like PI is waiting to start a process rather than being locked up mid-stream as the Process Console doesn't indicate that a process is running.

Any tips on how to troubleshoot this?

I'm running PI on an iMac 14.2 with 3.5GHz processor with 8GB of memory. Its running OSX 10.11.3 with all updates installed


Offline Sean

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Re: Lock ups in PI
« Reply #1 on: 2016 January 23 19:57:21 »
Hi Pete,

I'm running the latest PI on an iMac with OS X 10.11.3, with no problems. A few things to check - how much free disk space do you have, and have you run the Disk Utility First Aid to see if there are any drive problems? Have you run any other software that will cause swapping to disk to see if there are any slowdowns there? Where is your /tmp folder located?

I hope this helps,


Offline pvelez

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Re: Lock ups in PI
« Reply #2 on: 2016 January 24 00:21:12 »

thanks for your reply

I think you have hit the nail on the head - I have so much dat on my hard drive that there is precious little space for PI to do its thing efficiently. I have ditched some data and am shifting much more to an external hard drive and things have sped up dramatically.

so its looking good now.
