Author Topic: Installation under PCBSD  (Read 1908 times)

Offline rleisenz

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Installation under PCBSD
« on: 2015 December 07 14:59:21 »
I just installed PCBSD 10.2 in a virtual machine under Mint Linux and everything runs fine. I used a Virtualbox vmdk machine from the PCBSD site.
I downloaded the Freebsd version of PI and the installation terminated without errors. Unfortunately PI won´t start.
Any ideas?


PS: (09.12.2015)
In the meantime i tried to install PI under FreeBSD 10.2 and PC-BSD 10.0. In none of the versions PI starts after the installation.
Is there any version of BSD that will work with PI?
« Last Edit: 2015 December 09 03:12:03 by rleisenz »
G11/Gemini2 on pier; 8"f4 Newton; ED80;80/480 APO; EOS1000Da; ALCCD9m; QHY6pro; ALCCD5LII-M;