Author Topic: HDR  (Read 2235 times)

Offline Mark de Regt

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« on: 2015 November 30 21:42:03 »

I'm about to process an image of the Orion Nebula.  I have matching darks and lights at a number of different exposure lengths, from 15 seconds to 15 minutes.  I'm hoping that this will result in having the core not burned out, while getting as much of the faint stuff as possible.

How does one combine all these different masters, in each filter, to get one final HDR master that appears seamless?



Offline pfile

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« Reply #1 on: 2015 November 30 23:04:45 »
assuming everything is registered to the same frame, integrate your stacks of each exposure length and save the unmodified, linear masters to disk. then open them all in the HDRComposition process and execute it. repeat for each filter. if all goes well you'll get properly composed HDR masters for each filter. if not, you have to tweak the binarizing threshold. looking at the masks that the process outputs should give you an idea of how much each exposure length contributed to the final image (and where).


Offline Mark de Regt

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« Reply #2 on: 2015 December 01 08:47:38 »