Author Topic: Readout and HT wish  (Read 3008 times)

Offline mschuster

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Readout and HT wish
« on: 2015 October 23 14:18:59 »
When looking at differences between almost equal images (i.e. PixelMath a - b + 0.5), all the data can be clustered very closely to 0.5.

It would be nice if ReadOutOptions > Binary integer range displayed fractional parts in addition to integer parts. Sometimes I like to read out in DN (16-bit) and having the display rounded to an integer is not very useful for these difference images. Maybe an optional fractional part display (eg. "%.3f").

When looking at these difference images in HT with 16-bit plot resolution, maybe only a few (10 for example) of these bins are populated near the 0.5 value. So in this case histogram displays 10 peaks separated by a zero level when zoomed in closely with shadow and highlight set to minElement and maxElement. It would be nice to see a fuller histogram without so much quantization. Would it be possible to add more bins? One idea might be simply just add larger resolution options, another might be to renormalize so that the 64k bins spanned [shadow, highlight] rather than [0, 1], but maybe this all would be too slow?


Offline lucchett

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Re: Readout and HT wish
« Reply #1 on: 2015 October 29 09:46:40 »
Ah ah, now Understand those strange histograms:-)

I second this.