What platform are you using (i.e., Windows, Mac, or Linux)? Also what are you using as capture software? I was having this issue in Windows using MaximDL. In the end, I gave up on both. I had to make a choice between those two and PixInsight and boy was that an easy decision. If it was the Olympics, Pixinsight would have won gold, silver and bronze 8). Switching to the SkyX Camera-Add-on was an easy choice since I am already running SkyX with my Paramounts and I ended up converting my image processing CD to Linux. And all well worth it to keep PI, that is how good this software is compared to the alternatives.
I guess what I am saying is, don't give up on the software. As Juan stated in the posts I attached in the post I sent you, this is not a PI issue and yet they are trying to find solutions nonetheless through the .xsif initiative, etc.