Normalization parameters are always stored in .drz files by ImageIntegration, and are always applied by DrizzleIntegration. These parameters are the statistical scale and location estimates for each input image, which are computed with the IKSS algorithm by default (see a description of this algorithm in the
Image Normalization section of ImageIntegration documentation).
Note that the normalization data that drizzle uses is the
output normalization of ImageIntegration, that is, the parameters used for pixel combination,
not the rejection normalization parameters. The output normalization is "additive with scaling" by default. All this stuff is described in the documentation.
It's true that there are no options to disable image normalization in DrizzleIntegration, as doing so doesn't make any sense IMO. We could add an option to disable it, though, if there are good reasons.
Let us know when you have uploaded the data set, since I am also interested in this test case.