In BPP, the tool tips for using master calibration frames all say that the
first master dark, bias or flat will be used. However, I did some experiments that showed different master flats are used for lights acquired through different filters. Also my results showed that the first master dark is not necessarily used. Perhaps this could be clarified in the tool tips in BPP. Here's what I did:
I painted annotations on 5m- and 10m master darks and on red and blue master flats. This allowed me to see which calibration frames were applied to each light frame by BPP.
The annotated master calibration files were loaded into BPP, along with a master bias
5m and 10m Red, and 5m and 10m Blue light frames (four frames in total) were calibrated using BPP
See and exposure duration are included in the file names. The annotations on the screen show which dark and flat were applied.
- BPP used the 10m dark on all four light frames. The 10m dark was not the first dark listed in the darks tab.
- BPP used the red flat for both red frames and the blue flat for both blue frames.
Although I don't bin for my own imaging, I imagine that if only one master dark can be used, you'd need to do separate runs of BPP for binned and unbinned files.
Clear skies,