Author Topic: FOUR New PixInsight Tutorials on Light Vortex Astronomy  (Read 5082 times)

Offline kayronjm

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    • Light Vortex Astronomy
I didn't feel creating a new thread for each one was very friendly and it would seem borderline abusive. Searches should be able to pick these up anyway. Some forums don't allow editing posts after a period of time so I will be adding a new thread every few tutorials. The following are the new ones, separated out with a link and a short introduction for each:

+ Preparing Monochrome Images for Colour-Combination and Further Post-processing

Introduction: This tutorial covers what one needs to do with monochrome images that have been pre-processed separately in order to be able to later colour-combine them and apply further post-processing. It covers the use of StarAlignment to register each image, DynamicCrop to crop out black edges, DynamicBackgroundExtraction to remove background gradients and LinearFit to match the images to each other.

+ Combining Monochrome R, G and B Images into a Colour RGB Image and applying Luminance

Introduction: This tutorial covers a few ways to colour-combine monochrome images into a colour image, using both ChannelCombination and PixelMath. Also covered is the application of a Luminance image via the use of LRGBCombination.

+ Colour Calibrating Images

Introduction: This tutorial covers the procedure for colour-calibrating RGB images to produce a realistic colour reproduction. The procedure starts with BackgroundNeutralization to neutralise the background, ColorCalibration to perform the actual colour-calibrating and SCNR to reduce/remove the green colour cast with special mention for keeping the teal colour of some planetary nebulae. There is also a mention of this procedure's application to narrowband images in terms of BackgroundNeutralization's usefulness

+ Producing Masks

Introduction: This tutorial covers a number of methods for the production of useful masks that aid in post-processing targeted features of an image. Methods covered include duplicating monochrome images, extracting Lightness from colour images using RGBWorkingSpace and ChannelExtraction, producing star masks using StarMask and using RangeSelection. Also covered are a few techniques on modifying and combining masks to produce even more suitable masks.
« Last Edit: 2015 December 27 08:34:25 by kayronjm »
- Avalon M-Uno
- Takahashi FSQ-85ED, Altair Astro 8" RC with Astro-Physics CCDT67 Telecompressor
- QSI 660wsg-8, Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
- Astrodon E-Series Gen2 LRGB 1.25", Astrodon HA, OIII & SII 3nm 1.25"

Offline sreilly

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Re: FOUR New PixInsight Tutorials on Light Vortex Astronomy
« Reply #1 on: 2015 August 04 19:32:23 »
Thanks for these, I always appreciate new tutorials to add to the ever growing experience.

OGS 12.5" RC
Tak FSQ-106ED
Pyxis 3" Rotator
Baader LRGBHa Filters
PixInsight/MaxIm/ACP/Registar/Mira AP/PS CS5

Offline dzso.bacsi

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Re: FOUR New PixInsight Tutorials on Light Vortex Astronomy
« Reply #2 on: 2015 August 05 04:37:52 »
Big thank you for all your effort!

Offline mads0100

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Re: FOUR New PixInsight Tutorials on Light Vortex Astronomy
« Reply #3 on: 2015 August 21 11:22:46 »
I love your tutorials.  Thank you!