I was generating a star mask and was getting a very strange grid pattern in the background of the resulting mask.
First I tried modifying the parameters to see if it had to do whit them, but no matter what parameters, the grid pattern was there...
Then It came into my mind that it could be the image that had this pattern hidden into it.
In order to find it out, I applied a pixelmath to the image, consisting of a discrimination of pixels by level (if pix<Value then 0 else 1)
When the value was somewhat lower than the background level, the pattern appeared.
I then reversed one by one the process, and checked if PixelMath still generated the pattern, and so it was until the very first stage on processing:
After the initial integration, and the Dynamic Crop the pattern appeared.
Before the dynamic crop, the pattern was not there.
I attached the image after integration, the image applying the dynamic crop, The image after applying Pixel math and a star mask of the same image.
I just tested the different interpolation algorithms, and in only happens using bilinear and Bicubic Spline.
Edit 2:
I now tested this also on an image of another camera with sony chip and got same result the posted images are with KAF8300 chip.