If you don't like the new UI, you can create a custom core style sheet. This will give you full control over the look and feel of the whole platform. This is the procedure:
1. Enter the following command from the Process Console window:
open "$PXI_RSCDIR/qss/core-standard.qss"
2. On the Script Editor, you'll see the initial lines of the core style sheet:
* PixInsight Core Style Sheet
* Version 1.5.3 / Multiplatform / Multiresolution - Released 2015 July 13
* Global rules
:focus {
outline: 0; /* get rid of all focus rects */
* {
font-family: "<core_sans_font>", DejaVu Sans, Open Sans;
font-size: 10pt;
Change 10 by 9 for example where I have marked it in red above. You can also write 9.5 if you want, but 9 is a standard font size and it seems that you really want a strong size reduction.
3. On the Script Editor menu (*not* on PixInsight's main menu), select FILE > Save as. Now select a folder under your user account. For example, your standard Documents folder. Save the file as "core-custom.qss" (for example).
4. From PixInsight's main menu, select EDIT > Global Preferences. On Preferences, select Core UI Resources. Clich the "Select file" button under "Core Style Sheet File". Select your core-custom.qss created in step 3. Click Apply Global or press F6.
5. Exit PixInsight, wait a few seconds, enter PixInsight. Let me know if this helps.