Are you referring to the procedure or the Pixel Math formula ?
Because the procedure I followed uses masks and insists on the fact that it is noise reduction and not noise eliminatiion that is the goal.
I noticed however that the darkening of the background, using Histogram Transformation, needs to be done very carefully in order to avoid a blotchy background.
So I did it a second time, and this time the background remained quite even.
I'm using a stack of way to few frames, so the noise is quite strong. I need to control the urge to try and remove as much as possible.
I need more frames for that.
I just wanted to try out the procedure, and it seems to work pretty well.
I also tried his manual stacking procedure instead of the BatchPreProcessing tool. A lot of work but apparently a better result.
I find this trial and error very enriching and not tediuous at all.