Author Topic: New "Introduction to PixInsight and its Interface" (Basics) Tutorial  (Read 4724 times)

Offline kayronjm

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Due to my summer holidays off work starting today, I am activating Beast Mode and revamping my PixInsight tutorials on Light Vortex Astronomy. The revamp will address all the shortcomings in my older tutorials by replacing them with more consistent tutorials that teach from the basics all the way up to workflows, with various simple and complex techniques explained in the middle. They are also more up-to-date to both, PixInsight itself and my way of working with images.

I start off with my Basics tutorial on PixInsight, titled "Introduction to PixInsight and its Interface". This is meant to take someone from saying "What is this hellish program and how do even start using it?" to someone who is competent enough to know where stuff is and try stuff out, with the ins and outs of the different features.

This would be considered essential reading for anyone following my new tutorials as this will be assumed knowledge, thus optimising my writing to be more concise and to-the-point. Enjoy!

[EDIT]: Screenshots have been updated to display at their full-resolution as captured. It should be much easier to follow this tutorial and my other current ones now.
« Last Edit: 2015 December 27 08:35:09 by kayronjm »
- Avalon M-Uno
- Takahashi FSQ-85ED, Altair Astro 8" RC with Astro-Physics CCDT67 Telecompressor
- QSI 660wsg-8, Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
- Astrodon E-Series Gen2 LRGB 1.25", Astrodon HA, OIII & SII 3nm 1.25"

Offline dzso.bacsi

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First of all: enjoy your vacation after the long school year!

For me - after having been introduced to Harry's PI videos as first steps - your PI tutorials were the best to learn how to use PI and what kind of technics and procedures are there, and I was able to follow them  - first step by step, later to apply the procedures to my pictures - to the point of acceptable images. Your tutorials are great! Thank you!

I can hardly wait for the "revamp"...

Offline pfile

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man how can i activate beast mode? i need to get my act together!!

Offline Geoff

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This is really good Kayron.  You should seriously consider publishing a book.
Don't panic! (Douglas Adams)
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Offline kayronjm

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Thanks for your comments - I really appreciate them! :)
- Avalon M-Uno
- Takahashi FSQ-85ED, Altair Astro 8" RC with Astro-Physics CCDT67 Telecompressor
- QSI 660wsg-8, Starlight Xpress Lodestar X2
- Astrodon E-Series Gen2 LRGB 1.25", Astrodon HA, OIII & SII 3nm 1.25"

Offline Peter

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Yes Karyon, (not sure why I keep thinking of Sid James when I read your name?) but I am so grateful for all your efforts to pull up those like me that just hold up their hands and wonder "What have I done wrong now!",  you really have saved me from total insanity and brain explosion. And for that I truly thank you.. O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0