Author Topic: Combining different time and different binning subs  (Read 2291 times)

Offline cmarcus

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I have some RGB data on an object, but some of my subs (in each colour) are 5 mins binned 2x2 and some are 1x1 900 secs, is it possible to use them together? If so, how? My attempts to register them together have not been successful...
TIA for any input.

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Re: Combining different time and different binning subs
« Reply #1 on: 2015 May 29 15:44:56 »
it should work, StarAlignment can scale up or down depending on which type of frame you use for a reference.

one thing you can do to debug this is to use the "detected stars" mode of StarAlignment on your images, just to see if it's finding enough stars. if you do this on an unstretched image you can turn STF on and off to see the crosshairs and then the actual image and see if the crosshairs are on real stars or noise.


Offline cmarcus

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Re: Combining different time and different binning subs
« Reply #2 on: 2015 May 31 14:17:18 »
Ok, I have made it work now, not sure what I had been doing wrong before...
many thanks!