It would help on the FWHM to know your pixel scale in arc seconds. The only thing you can really tell from the map you provided (in pixels, not arc seconds) is that you are getting close to being undersampled, meaning that the stars in your image are only being sampled over 2 pixels which is cutting it kind of close for really accurate FWHM measurements. Moreover, if you are imaging with a one-shot-color camera (with a Bayer pattern) then the sampling is effectively even worse (or lower).
In any case, consider the case where you are imaging at 2 arc seconds per pixel, that would give you a FWHM of about 4 arc seconds which is certainly fine but not great. However, if you were imaging at 4 arc seconds per pixel you'd have a FWHM of around 8 arc seconds which would be pretty bad (indicating, perhaps, a problem with focus). You also need to consider what happens if you have bad seeing or poor focus, in that case the FWHM (in arc seconds) will appear poor but the eccentricity may look surprisingly good (i.e. the stars will be "big" and round).
If I had to guess I'd say that you are okay (looking at the maps, since they seem to show fairly good uniformity across the field), but to be certain you really need to consider the FWHM in arc seconds, not just pixels.