Another possibility is to use the Startup script in the Directory:
If you enter the follwing command in this startup.scr bscript file
.open F:/PixIsight_Bearbeitungserkenntnisse/WORKFLOW/Entrauschen_mit_MLT_Beispiel_M74Drive_M_Diverse_M74_fuer_PPT.xpsm
.open F:/PixIsight_Bearbeitungserkenntnisse/WORKFLOW/PI_standard_workspace.xosm
So, line 1 loads the in *.xpsm stored macros (processes)
So, line 2 loads the in *.xosm stored projects
Be careful, if you load a Project after loading the processes all workspaces on the Screen will be overwritten.
So, either line 1 or line 2 makes sense, not both together...
You could enter line 1 or line 2 also at the process console.
Maybe in your stage this is to complex but to be "complete" i wanted to mention it.