Author Topic: My PixInsight Tutorial for Noise Reduction with AWT, MMT & ACDNR  (Read 5457 times)

Offline kayronjm

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This new tutorial is purely a technique tutorial for noise reduction. The tools used are ATrousWaveletTransform, MultiscaleMedianTransform and ACDNR (in contrast to my other tutorial based on TGVDenoise). I tend to prefer these tools for noise reduction for their great level of control in linear and non-linear images. Noise reduction is carried out with linear and non-linear images and with both monochrome and colour images. The tutorial is therefore appropriate for anyone post-processing in PixInsight, no matter their imaging camera. The tutorial is based on the philosophy that this is noise reduction and not elimination.
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Offline pdarmody

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Kayron, this is an outstanding tutorial!  Thank you for taking the time to create it.  It was extremely helpful to me, both for learning about NR techniques - and the AWT and MMT tools in general.

I used the technique on an old photo of the Lagoon Nebula that I was using for PI practice.

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Offline jkmorse

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Another great tutorial!!  Thanks for all the effort, it is much appreciated, especially the depth of information you provide.


Really, are clear skies, low wind and no moon that much to ask for? 

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Offline Sean

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Great tutorial, and I'll add it to my PI links page.

I've been using a similar workflow, but haven't been extracting a separate Lightness mask from the RGB. This seems like a really good idea, and I'll start doing so in the future.

Thanks for your hard work.
